Submitting News
Project and new-channel announcements should be submitted to the editor by 18:00. They may be submitted in person on channel #openprojects, via memoserv using "/msg memoserv send Editor [content]", or sent to email address web at openprojects dot net. All times on the news pages are in UTC. Saturday 06 April 2002 at 17:53
Hi, all! Welcome to the occasional news pages for Open Projects Net.
After a long hiatus in maintenance activity, OPN has been upgrading our servers onto the dancer-ircd 1.0.31+maint code series in a set of weekend cutovers. We will probably be performing another upgrade tomorrow morning, between 3am and 8am OPN time. One of the problems: currently no error message is returned when you send a private message to a non-existent nick. We'll try to make this as painless as possible, but all of our servers will need to be upgraded. In particular, the 8am changes will include hub restarts which will affect all network users.
In other news, our recorded Gelhausen peak is now at about 6,500 clients. The recent software upgrades have caused the numbers to bounce around a bit, but stability has been further improved, so we anticipate continued growth once the last maintenance upgrade is complete. We're also ramping up for a new release, 1.0.32, which will contain a few new features and begin the process of stabilizing the 1.0 tree to allow more time for development on the 1.1 tree.
We've snuck in a few new features recently. The REMOVE command (a gentler replacement for KICK, using the same internal format) is now no longer an experimental feature. It's still disruptive to push people off your channel, but if you absolutely have to do so, please consider using REMOVE. We've also added channel mode g which governs a behavior of INVITE: on -g channels, only channel operators may INVITE (RFC1459 behavior); on +g channels, anyone may INVITE.
Finally, the nonprofit corporation has been chartered as of 19 March 2002. Board members are currently reviewing the bylaws and we'll be applying for 501c3 status soon. We'll keep you posted on the rollout and how it will affect OPN.
Thank you for using OPN, and have a great weekend!
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Current network date and approximate time: Friday, 14-Jun-2002 23:44:10 GMT.