[IMG: Open Projects Network]



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Project and new-channel announcements should be submitted to the editor by 18:00. They may be submitted in person on channel #openprojects, via memoserv using "/msg memoserv send Editor [content]", or sent to email address web at openprojects dot net. All times on the news pages are in UTC.

Saturday 26 May 2001 at 23:42

Yesterday's Gelhausen sample was about 3,150. Today's is 2,998. These are normal "dip" values for the weekend. Network operation is fairly quiet.

Xia reminds us that #networking is available as a support channel for networking issues. Please stop by.

In other news, our lawyer, Caroline Coulston, has received her retainer and the estimated fees for the incorporation of the non-profit, and we're beginning the process. That process and your editor's job hunting are complicated by the fact that he is having email problems on his home machine.

Enjoy the new week! :)


Thursday 24 May 2001 at 23:54

Today's Gelhausen sample rose slightly to 3,317. Just before news time, tolkien experienced a serious maintenance problem and had to be shut down very quickly. Apologies for the inconvenience. Other than that incident, the network is functioning nominally.

We're still mulling over the matter of a name for the non-profit corporation. So far, the best name suggested is the old, tried-and-true Open Projects Group. We'll keep you posted. Please feel free to stop by #naming to make suggestions.


Wednesday 23 May 2001 at 23:21

Today's Gelhausen sample is at 3,312. A few splits have occurred, but network operation is currently nominal. Some clonebot activity was handled earlier today, including an incipient channel flood. Things are quiet at this point.

Our appreciation goes out to MiDS, who has volunteered to begin collating materials for the catalyst training course. That project will probably become a bit more active.

Thanks to the generous yet impetuous starzz who contributed to the fund yesterday. Please, everyone, let's hold off on further contributions until the non-profit organization has been set up to receive them. We are extremely grateful for your generosity, though. In anticipation of our lawyer's receipt of funds, we're still working out details of the incorporation. The name of the organization is one of those details. openprojects.net will continue to be used, possibly as a service mark for the network, but the organization itself needs a more general name.

The new organization will foster "open source, open technology and open information," with an initial strong emphasis on open source (and free software). Additionally, it will pursue recruitment activities for the open source / free software community and will work to help foster friendly and efficient interaction in that realm. If you'd like to help propose ideas for a name, please come by #naming. Your input will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again to everyone who has helped to get us to this point. Your editor, still out there looking for a new job, wishes you an excellent evening.


Wednesday 23 May 2001 at 02:28

Yesterday's Gelhausen sample climbed back up to 3,319. Network operation is nominal. Funds have been moved and we've just finished cutting a cashier's check to our lawyer to begin the process of non-profit incorporation. The check should arrive in a couple of days.

Your editor continues to improve and, unsurprisingly, is still looking for a job. If you're also looking, or if you've found a job recently, help us develop #jobs, a channel where users explore the state of open source and free software jobs and compare notes on job-hunting techniques.

Have a great Wednesday!


Monday 21 May 2001 at 21:22

Yesterday's Gelhausen sample was at 2,948, today's is at 3,093. The network is fairly quiet. Sterling experienced some packet loss earlier in the day and still seems to have intermittent problems. Merril was down for much of the weekend, but has returned. It will be shutting down for a system upgrade around 8am on Tuesday, OPN time. Riel writes:

nl.linux.org (merril.openprojects.net) finally got the long-awaited hardware upgrade. The new hardware is a VA2230 unit, donated by VA Linux and an 80GB RAID1 set which will be used for hosting open source projects.

Your editor continues to cough a bit and is still looking for a new job. Have a great week!


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Copyright © 2001-2002 Open Projects Network.
Current network date and approximate time: Friday, 14-Jun-2002 23:44:50 GMT.