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OPN Internal Projects: Hybrid Conversion

The hybrid conversion project consists of a conversion from the current IRC server tree, a modified IRC ircu, and EsperNet services, to a modified hybrid-6 running hybserv2. The project manager role has devolved to Rob Levin (lilo) due to time constraints on other participants. Patch moderators include Daniel Dent (dent/ddent) and Rob Bradford (robster). Some coding services are currently being provided by Gerhard Mack (InnerFIRE).

The project is in serious need of developers who are comfortable with the hybrid-6 and hybserv2 source trees. We've had some consulting assistance from upstream developers, but no consistent coding time.

The server and services source trees are available from Sourceforge via anonymous CVS. Check the TODO lists for the dancer-hybrid-6 and dancer-hybserv trees. Patches should be sent to email address patches at openprojects dot net. The logical first point of contact would be one of the above-mentioned project participants, who can often be found on OPN channels #openprojects and #mistertoad.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

Copyright © 2001 Open Projects Network.
Current network date and approximate time: Saturday, 02-Jun-2001 04:53:16 GMT.