Submitting News
Project and new-channel announcements should be submitted to the editor by 18:00. They may be submitted in person on channel #openprojects, sent via memoserv using "/msg memoserv send Editor [content]", or sent to email address web at openprojects dot net. All times on the news pages are in UTC.
3 March 2001
A happy Saturday to all! Please be aware that services will be restarted at about 05:00 UTC today. A brief announcement will occur prior to shutdown and restart. This scheduled outage is necessitated by vagarities of the Old Code. Don't forget to re-identify to NickServ. Finally, as always, if you have announcements for these news pages, please stop by #openprojects by 23:00 UTC or "/msg memoserv send Editor [content]". Thanks.
Thanks to Matthew Sachs for providing us an "identified user mode" patch for dancer-hybrid-6, which we'll be playing with and integrating and which should prove extremely helpful.
We are still sorely in need of help in the work on the dancer-hybrid-6 tree. Please stop by #mistertoad if you're interested in working on the tree and believe that you can bang out some solid work within a relatively short timeframe. If you want to explore long-term work, the code is available for anonymous CVS. Please take a look here for more information on the conversion project.
The Ride continues. As I suspected, our web logs did not indicate any amazing burst of hits; however, there were something over 5,000 hits to the Mister Toad page, which makes for a nice kick off of the PR part of the campaign. If you're able to run the banner ads, on your site, please do. Also, we need your help if you have the skills and time to work on more ads for us.
I've put out a press release on, which looks rather odd and homely sitting among the many werry werry corporate releases that tend to accumulate on the site. Linux Today picked up the press release and cross indexed it with the Advogato article, not surprising since they own, but thank you for packaging it so nicely, folks. NewsForge also picked up the PR release, for which thanks.
New channel: Sir_Ahzz asks me to mention the official support and contact point #isfree for his new open source, web-based ISP billing application. I'm told the license is the GPL, and the project status seems to be "early development, some code produced".
Oh, and lest we forget, thanks to Twilight1, long-time #linpeople user and supporter, as well as active OPN staff person, for his Operating Fund contribution. If you've found #linpeople or other support or project coordination channels useful over the last few months or years, please consider dropping a dollar or two on the plate. Thanks much for your contributions so far.
Have a great weekend!
02 March 2001
Good morning, and welcome to Open Projects News. All times are in UTC, please translate to your local time zone. The Ride continues.
I submitted an article to Advogato around noon yesterday, detailing the status of the network and requesting assistance. Timothy at Slashdot submitted separate coverage there around 7:15 pm, mid-day in the Eastern US. Thanks, Timothy. Neither article has produced a lot of initial activity, which is expected, but both should be useful.
Several Slashdot readers suggested, at least by implication, that we should put a disclaimer up on the MTWR page. This has been done; it's the first thing on the page. Thanks to them as well.
Acknowledgements also go to Demonishi for helping us get cash payments into the OPN paypal account. Apparently you can't send payments to yourself. If anyone can suggest a better personal electronic payment system than either paypal or e-gold, please let us know, email address support at openprojects dot net.
Network traffic is a bit below our maximum and did not seem to be affected much by the articles. I haven't yet audited the web logs for today. We'll mention in tomorrow's daily news if the web site seems unusually busy.
The daily recruiting speech follows. MTWR needs assistance with patches for the server conversion and banner ads. If you have solid hybrid-6 coding or graphics experience, please come see us on, channel #mistertoad. We really need your help.
Note to project people and channel owners. The daily news is normally closed out at 11:30pm UTC and appears on the site at midnight, the start of a new day. If you have project needs announcements or new channel announcements you would like for us to run, we'll be glad to help. Just stop by #openprojects no later than 11pm UTC. If you can't come by near closing time due to time zone conflicts, we suggest you send a MemoServ message to Editor with your announcement in the text. Give us time to check back with you before we run the announcement. Thanks.
Thanks to everyone for your support, and have a great day!
01 March 2001
Welcome to the newly-completed Open Projects Network home site! Please check out the whole site, particularly the sections on Open Projects Net philosophy and contributing to the network.
The inauguration of this site marks the start of the newest Open Projects Net "metaproject", Mister Toad's Wild Ride. Please check it out along with our other internal projects.
Welcome to Open Projects Net!
Copyright © 2001-2002 Open Projects Network.
Current network date and approximate time: Friday, 14-Jun-2002 23:45:02 GMT.