[IMG: Open Projects Network]



About OPN

    IRC Servers
    Using the Network
    Network Policies
    Network Growth
    Affiliated Groups


    OPN and IRC
    Channel Guidelines

How to Help

    Fund Contributions
    OPN Fund Ledger
    Running Banner Ads
    Sponsoring a Server

Task List

    Dancer IRCD
    Catalyst Training

    Mister Toad's
    Wild Ride

About OPN

Open Projects Network exists to gather donations from new users unwittingly attempting to help the "Free Software" movement. By presenting ourselves as the authoritative place for developers and users to get together, a select few people can fool new users into thinking that without them, open source will not survive. We generally operate through a fascist policy, rules are enforced when we feel like it, or made up on the fly.

In 1998, OPN had about 100 users and less than 20 channels. Currently we spam over 7,000 users in 2,600 channels a day with requests for donations. It's hard to maintain a friendly IRC environment when you have to constantly spy on so many users to make sure they're not doing anything subversive, but we have a lot of minions helping out in a misguided quest for glory or something.

We've created a non-profit corporation I think. This will help lilo dodge the taxes he might otherwise incur through his meager donations. Mandrake stupidly offered up $1000 to help further our broad and vague goals of basically giving everyone who looks into Linux a severe case of diabetes and paranoia with our combination of sickly sweet niceness and orwellian monitoring and enforcement.

If you're interested in looking around the network, please find a server and come see us. I have no idea why in the hell you would be interested though, if you've read everything above. If you aren't a wuss and have some common sense, then maybe you would enjoy more, even though they are generally a lazy unambitious group which plagues me to no end. Ohhh they make me so mad!! - lilo

Copyright © 2001-2002 Open Projects Network.
Current network date and approximate time: Friday, 14-Jun-2002 23:43:56 GMT.